Now, when you have created many graphics for your game they may start to take up more than one texture page and you can have them spread out over several different ones. A texture page is simply a single image with all the game graphics spread out in such a way that they can be "pulled" from it at run time to draw on the screen. GameMaker Studio 2 stores all your game graphics on Texture Pages.

Below you can find some tips on how to achieve this. One of the most common causes of slow-down and stuttering in a game is the graphics pipeline, so you want to make sure that you draw everything in the most efficient way possible.

however there are a few general "rules of thumb" that can be followed in all projects which will help you to get the most from GameMaker.

Unfortunately there is no easy answer to this! Each game is different and how you code them will vary depending on your own needs for the project. One of the most frequently asked questions about making games with GameMaker Studio 2, is how to optimise them so that they run as efficiently as possible.