It can be an alternate formula, calculation, a blank cell, a numeric, or text value It contains the alternate value to return when the value argument returns an error. Value_If_error argument is what to return.It can be a formula, calculation, an expression, a value, or cell reference. The syntax for IFERROR function in Excel is as follows

It is categorized as a Logical function and it handles all types of errors including #N/A, #VALUE, #DIV/0, #REF!, #NUM!, #NULL or #NAME?. The IFERROR Functionīy definition, Excel IFERROR function returns an alternate value if formula returns an error. For this purpose IFERROR function is used to manage such errors. When you don’t want to show these returning errors as result of a formula in your data then Excel has a way to return an alternate value or custom value or blank cell. When formula contains invalid numeric values (#NUM!).When an incorrect range operator is used in formula (#NULL!).When you use invalid cell references in formula (#REF!).When you divide a number by zero or an empty cell (#DIV/0!).Wrong data type present in cell used in formula (#VALUE!).If expected value is not found as result of formula (#NA).The possible error messages from a formula could be due to You can use the IFERROR function to manage what happens when a mistake occurs. Excel formulas return various error types due to a variety of reasons. When you apply a formula in Excel it may return an error.