The Uplay is optional, doesn't help gameplay in the longrun, and you get an assassin's creed outfit? Why would anyone be upset missing out on this, I run around the game with a bra on my head and it's great, who cares? it's south park. I felt I needed to defend this game cause even though there is Ubisoft cancer all over it, there is a brilliantly designed, well crafted game with a lot of heart put into it from South Park Studios.

I have yet to experience a single bug my entire playtime as well so I do not know where this is coming from either. If you are an impatient little baby wanting extreme action and the funniest jokes you've ever heard in your life within the first 15 minutes then yeah, you will be disappointed. The side-quests kicked it up a notch from Stick of Truth aswell - often continuing on during your play-though of the main story with really brilliant payoffs. The combat follows a MegaMan BattleNetwork style which I absolutely loved being such a huge fan of those titles, the character interactions are great and each combination of playable heroes has their own banter during the fights.

A lot of fine details in the environments for fans of the show, touching moments, a well written story (although intentionally silly cause South Park), and overall is the funniest f***ing game I've ever played. These people posting reviews 6 hours into the game miss one of the biggest point to be made - it starts off slow but the customization and amount of things you can do increases exponentially as the game progresses (summons, augments, characters can combo ultimates to make new ultimates, you can combine all classes and swap abilities in and out each fight etc.) I saw someone say the mechanics were weak but I think people are missing out on the fact that it's a tactics game first and an rpg second, that being said it still offers plenty of rpg content and customization that isn't just gear based you just need to unlock it.

These people posting reviews 6 hours into the game miss one of the biggest point Just finished the game today and I loved every second of it. Just finished the game today and I loved every second of it.